Our Team
We are committed to creating a sustainable and equitable healthcare system to meet the needs of current and future generations.
Meet Our Advisory Board

Besides her leadership roles, Dr Kihara also holds the position of a Senior Lecturer at the University of Nairobi, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, where she has been training the next generation of obstetricians and gynaecologists. As a Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist in Kenya, she has been actively involved in the prevention and management of postpartum haemorrhage (PPH) through policy development, guideline creation, curriculum design, health system strengthening, capacity building of healthcare providers, clinical audits and maternal and perinatal death surveillance and response (MPDSR).
Dr Kihara is a member of the community of practice for PPH prevention and management and an ardent researcher with over 100 peer-reviewed publications to her name. Her advocacy for women and perinatal health has helped her mobilise civil societies and communities to promote positive health outcomes for women across the globe. With her extensive knowledge and vast experience, Dr Kihara is a true icon in obstetrics and gynaecology, and her contributions will continue to inspire and impact future generations.

To strengthen, nurture and support women’s leadership development in public and private spaces, Sally is the founder of Sally Women’s Institute established in 2013 and to date offers training, coaching , advocacy and solidarity support for over 1 7820 women leaders from civil society, political parties, faith based networks, trade unions, media and social movements. Sally is also passionate about women’s political leadership development and gender responsive policy making and she volunteers her expertise as a member of Women’s Democracy Network, founder and Executive Director of Women’s Democracy Network Zimbabwe and one of the co-founders of Women’s Democracy Network Africa.
She also contributes to movement building and collective advocacy strategy and interventions for the Zimbabwe women’s movement as National Coordinator for Women’ Coalition of Zimbabwe, a national membership based network of women’s rights organisations and activists in Zimbabwe promoting women’s rights, empowerment and participation in development processes at community, national n, regional and international level.
Sally provides multi stakeholder coordination and liaison for policy formulation, implementation, review and oversight strategy development, research, advocacy campaigns and emergency response design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation; resource mobilization and grant administration leadership. She also facilitates social inclusion for women and youth from marginalized communities including persons with disabilities, LGBT+ community, minority ethnical groups, persons living in informal settlements amongst others. She trains and provides technical support for civil society corporate governance covering institutional governance systems development, implementation, oversight , leadership development and coaching,
advocacy, movement building, resource mobilisation and gender responsive policy making and on-going technical support for community based organisations working with marginalised communities and projects implementing partners at community, national, regional and international level.
Sally is a former Board Chairperson for Youth Forum Zimbabwe, Crisis in Zimbabwe Coalition, Savannah Trust, Venders Initiative for Social and Economic Transformation and former Board member for National Association of NGOs and Zimbabwe Election Support Network. She is also a member of National Steering Committee on Sustainable Development Goals, SADC Protocol on Gender and Development Alliance, Africa Feminist Forum and Gender is My Agenda Campaign.
She holds Master of Science in Development Studies( Women’s University in Africa), Bachelor of Arts (Hons) History and Development Studies (Midlands State University), Diploma in Women’s Campaign School(Yale University), Diploma in Public Relations (Zimbabwe Institute of Public Relations) and Diploma in Project Planning and Management(Christian College of Southern Africa).
Sally is a recipient of Distinguished Service Award, Women in Politics Support Unit, In recognition For Generous Commitment of Time, Support and Inspiration, 5 August 2011, Honored ‘Top Global Women’ by Diplomatic Courier, Global Affairs Magazine: Special Annual Edition on International Women’s Day, In recognition of Commitment to Women’s rights, 2013 ,Certificate of Commendation in Recognition of Service to National Association of Non- Governmental Organizations and Runner up award for the 2021 Director of the Year: NGOs and Civil Society Organisations category for Institute of Directors Zimbabwe., Zimbabwe National Chamber of Commerce Women in Enterprise Award Recipient: Civil Society Organizations Category 2021 and National association of NGOs 2021-2022 Director of Year award and
Distinguished Women Empowerment Leader Award from Zimbabwe Community News Awards 2022.

Naomi has nurtured a career in female advocacy with a humble interest in working with underprivileged youths and slum dwellers through advocacy, empowerment, awareness, and essential health and social services, especially to women and girls. She is passionate about amplifying the voices and roles of local actors in development processes at all levels.
She holds a Master’s Degree in Public Health with an emphasis on Community Health. As a Social Entrepreneur, Naomi launches the PAD4GIRLS project, a local solution to menstrual health management, by training women and girls how to locally produce reusable sanitary pads, making them more available and accessible to girls of school going age, which promote girl’s retention in school during their period and help them live, learn and lead. Ensuring women and girls have control over their bodies, Naomi and her team opened the first SRHR clinic on wheels in Liberia, promoting access to family planning contraceptives, condoms, and access to safe and legal abortion. Naomi is a Dr. Fritz Raleigh Humanitarian Award Recipient from Harvard University 2017. She is also an ASPEN New Voice Fellow, and as a Change Maker, Naomi is also an ASHOKA Fellow. Naomi is a present board member of the Sanitation Hygiene Fund.
Meet The Team

She has extensive international and domestic experience in philanthropy, and public health programs and is an expert in Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights, HIV, TB, and Global, Public Health with Gender as a crosscutting theme.
Dr. Bosire has influenced laws, policies, and programs, and her work in human rights and health has been recognised internationally. She has held multiple leadership positions including Co-Executive Director of East Africa Sexual Health and Rights Initiative, CEO of Kenya Medical Association, and Vice-Chair of the HIV/AIDS Tribunal of Kenya.
She’s an Aspen New Voices Fellow, in 2018, British Council Future Leaders Connect, in 2019, Face of Science Kenya 2019, and a Desmond Tutu Fellow, in 2023.
Stellah has served on various Boards, Funders Concerned About AIDS(FCAA), Amnesty International Kenya, Racism in Global Health, and the Gender Advisor for the Doctors Union in Kenya. She’s a recipient of the “40 Under 40” most influential women in Kenya, the 2019 Face of Science Award, 2019, Accountability International Awardee 2019, and the Commonwealth Queen of England Point of Light Award, 2020.

George has over 13 years of global experience in campaigning, lobbying for policy change and movement building. He is enthusiastic about creatively engaging, motivating and working with the public and those in leadership to take action for social change.
George has led planning and execution of multiple social justice campaigns globally across different issue areas ranging climate justice ,energy access, education, youth and advocacy, election advocacy,SRHR,Covid-19 communications, vaccine equity, mis and dis information among others. He has been involved in countless global campaigns and advocacy activities designed to ensure a just world.
He is a graduate of the Kenya Institute of Mass Communication and attended the Sunnmøre Folkehøgskule and Strathmore Business School. He is also an alumnus of the Fredskorpset and Communication for Change programs.

Her passion is directed toward becoming a clinical psychologist, with a particular emphasis on serving the needs of the deaf and marginalized communities. Cindy hopes to provide vital mental health support and therapy to these communities by combining her extensive knowledge of psychology with her proficiency in sign language. Her diverse skills include understanding the human psyche, advocating for gender equality, and cultivating inclusivity in the Deaf community.
Cindy is unwavering in her commitment to positive change and well-being, which is anchored in her commitment to mental health and interconnectedness. With exceptional communication and analytical skills, she eagerly anticipates collaborating with others to improve overall well-being, empower marginalized groups, and foster a more inclusive society.